Fat Loss & Health System | Code Fitness Gym | Newark
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£75 a month (4 month contract) - Code Premier our most popular membership.  

Once you've joined, click book online and select 'Code Premier Initial Appointment'. Book your appointment at a time good for you. During this initial appointment we'll do your body composition analysis, photos, nutrition consultation and take you through your programmes. 


We then book you another appointment (compliancy meeting) for a weeks time to go over anything you're not sure of and to make sure you're 100% happy with everything you are doing.  


We then book you in for a third appointment (desired outcome meeting) 7-10 days later to re-do your body composition analysis to make sure you are achieving the results you want to achieve.  We coach you to help you on anything you need more help with, like exercise technique, nutrition, lifestyle habits, we leave no stone unturned in our pursuit to help you look and feel how you really want to.   

We follow this process EVERY month you're doing Code Premier. 

1.  New programmes each month, adjustments to nutrition.  

2.  7 days later - compliancy meeting

3.  7-10 days later desired outcome meeting.

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We've helped loads of people just like you, look and feel their best.  Have you tried at other gyms in the past but never had the help and support to get you to where you wanted to be, so you stopped?  Or do you feel uncomfortable in the gym because everyone looks like they know what they are doing, and you've got no idea? We solve all these problems with Code Premier.


If your goal is look in the best shape of your life and keep the weight off for good, or improve your health and live a healthy happy life then Code Premier is the right membership for you.  We help you along each step of the way to achieve your desired goal.  Scroll down to see what we include with Code Premier, the short answer is everything you need to get results.

  • Training programmes on the Code App

  • Nutritional consultations and guidance

  • Body comp and health analysis

  • Recipe books

  • Code community group

  • Help & support from a dedicated team of professionals 

  • Progress trackers

  • Check-ins, catch ups, accountability

  • Access to all our Code Classes/bootcamps

  • Proven results






Our specifically designed systems help you get to exactly where you want to be.  The majority of of systems are 4 months and we help you switch from system to system to keep you achieving your goals.  We take all the complications out and make things straight forward.  We help you with fat loss then do a re-sensitisation phase to keep your losses and then we switch again to keep you progressing. 

As part of your membership we're here to help you both at Code and via our community Facebook group, so any questions and you know we're right there.  You can book a catch up to go through anything you're not sure of any time you want, whether it's training, nutrition, lifestyle habits, any questions, we're here to help.








Every month we take you through your new programmes.  Your programmes you get on our app which each exercise comes with a short video showing you how to do the exercise, so if you forget what you're doing you can have a quick watch.  this doesn't take away from all the help and support you get, it's just an added little bonus to give you even more confidence with everything you're doing at Code.   

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Paul's Code Premier Results

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"To be honest I’ve never really seen myself as a gym kind of guy! Sure, I’ve been a member of gyms for years but I never really felt very comfortable and didn’t really know what to do! I just ended up on the cardio machines for 45 minutes then nervously messing around with some weights machines. I certainly never went anywhere near the free weights, I didn’t think they were for skinny guys like me!

It was my wife that got me to join Code and honestly it genuinely felt different as soon as I walked in. I had an initial meeting, which was weird as the most I’d got before was a 10 minute disinterested walk around a couple of machines for my “induction”!

We went though my goals, then gave me a detailed personalised programme laying out exactly what to do, including how to look after my nutrition (a first from a gym) and finally showed me each exercise to make sure I knew what I was doing.

Code honestly feels completely different to any other gym I’ve been a member of; it’s friendly, relaxed and really professional. The team are all there to make sure you get the results you want and they really know their stuff, the boot camps are ace too! Perhaps because I actually didn’t mind going, over time I started to see some real results. So much so in fact that I looked back at a photo of me before I joined and I was amazed to see how much leaner I had become – I hadn’t even realised it!

I found myself getting really into the challenge and despite it being tough at times, I’ve genuinely enjoyed it. I love a drink and this has helped me find a balance, believe me I’ve not stopped completely and have no intention of doing so!

I’m not going to stay as lean as this, but Code has given me the confidence and the knowledge of how to do it. 

I’ve always kept relatively fit but was utterly clueless with nutrition and weight training and even the impact of NEAT!

Awesome gym, top notch professional bunch of people 
Cheers guys – thanks for all the support"


Emma's Code Premier Results

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I started following Code on social media for a few months before finally deciding to join. I was so impressed with the results I’d seen but at the same time, I was at a cheap commercial gym that was a small fraction of the cost but was getting absolutely nothing for it other than a facility to attempt to train with no support and no clue about what I should be doing. 


To get my body ‘into shape’ and to lose weight, my idea of the right way to do this then was to restrict what I considered ‘bad’ foods, live on a crazily small calorie intake and do as much cardio as I could. I fell into the common trap of forming a bad relationship with food, following an unmaintainable diet and ultimately making no progress at all. Since joining Code, I have not only been given a nutrition plan which is tweaked depending on my goals, I have learned about why I need to fuel my body the way I do (carbs are absolutely my friend) and we track progress together. 


Best of all, I eat huge delicious meals, I don’t cut out any food, just eat at the right time, I’m full of energy, I can push through tough workouts and I’m in the best shape of my life with curves I never thought I would ever have! 

All of this, along with the impressive results I had seen from Code made me take the plunge and join and it’s honestly the best thing I could have done. Having the knowledge, help and support of everyone at Code whenever you need it and making constant progress that keeps you pushing for more, I never would have believed I could have progressed as much as I have. 


I’ve learned how important it is to find a place you love to train, a place full of the right support, then you really can do anything! Don’t settle for somewhere just because it’s cheap and convenient if you’re not making progress or not happy. Code is definitely the place for real results! Thank you all so much!" 


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