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Eloise Mcquaid

Team Code PT

"I'm passionate about helping people change their physique, build their confidence and feel amazing! "

I have different options available to help you achieve your goals.

Contact me:

07387 161178

Here's what you get with my 8 week transformation 

2 PT sessions a week with me

I'll go through everything you need need on how to eat for fat loss (including giving you all 4 Code recipe books)

I'll design you optional training plans to follow in the gym that I will have shown you

Weight taken monthly and photos at start and as you progress (optional for photos)

You'll be accountable to me and I'm here to help you

My professional help, support and guidance

Access to all the Code boot camps and classes at Code

You also get the help of everyone else at Code, as we all work as a team to get the best results possible

This 8 week transformation is £630. This can be paid in full or £315 at the start and £315 at the start of week 5.

Or do this 8 week transformation in a pair for £390 each.  


This is for you when you decide enough is enough and you want to transform yourself and get the results you’ve always wanted but have never achieved. 

Everything I know has gone into developing this 8-week transformation system. This is all I’m going to say for this option. I’m ready to help you transform, but I only want you to do this when you decide it’s your time and you want to look and feel amazing. 

8 Week Body Transformation

Learn To Train (L.T.T.)

Here's what you get with my Learn to Train system 

I think most of us know now that weight training is one of the best ways to optimise results and get you looking and feeling amazing. But what weight training should you be doing, what exercises, how many reps, and how many sets, what about the tempo you should be using while you train. There’s one thing going in the gym and using some machines or lifting some dumbbells but how do you know that it is really getting you the results you want. My L.T.T. system will teach you how to perform the techniques on the best exercises for physique changes.

I’ll go through with you the best rep ranges to use and how to work out how many sets you should be doing. I’ll also cover everything nutrition so you know what you should be eating/drinking for optimal results. I’ll also discuss how to make things work for you. So it’s not just a nutritional plan it’s guidelines and how you set things up, and trust me it’s pretty easy when you know how. Code’s philosophy on food is always to make it tasty, nice, healthy and to get you results. That’s why I‘ll also give you all the Code recipe books when you join up.

In 4 weeks I'll do 8 1 hour PT sessions with you so I can teach you a load on what you should be doing but the way I teach it is by you doing it. So I’ll be training you at Code, putting you through your paces making you do everything right. Technique is key for optimal results and staying fit healthy and injury free. When you’re new to training you want to do everything right straight away. And guess what when you do it right you can progress. By me telling you how to adjust your rep ranges you’ll also know how to keep progressing for a long time. So if you’re new to training or have trained before but felt unsure on what you are doing then book in with me now and I can help you. 

Not only do you get 8 PT sessions with me you also get to use Code for the 4 weeks and do any of the classes and bootcamps during this time as well.

This is £327

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