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Tom Hill

Team Code PT

"I'm ready to help you build the physique you've always wanted""

I have different options available to help you achieve your goals.

Contact: 07580 128513

8 Week Body Transformation

Here's what you get with my 8 week transformation 

2 PT sessions a week with me

I'll go through everything you need need on how to eat for fat loss (including giving you all 4 Code recipe books)

I'll design you optional training plans to follow in the gym that I will have shown you

Weight taken monthly and photos at start and as you progress (optional for photos)

You'll be accountable to me and I'm here to help you

My professional help, support and guidance

Access to all the Code boot camps and classes at Code

You also get the help of everyone else at Code, as we all work as a team to get the best results possible

8 week transformation £710

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This is for you when you decide enough is enough and you want to transform yourself and get the results you’ve always wanted but have never achieved. 

Everything I know has gone into developing this 8-week transformation system. This is all I’m going to say for this option. I’m ready to help you transform, but I only want you to do this when you decide it’s your time and you want to look and feel amazing. 

Learn To Train (L.T.T.)

Here's what you get with my Learn to Train system 

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This is my 4 week signature system designed to teach you how to build muscle.  

Do you train but want to take things to the next level? Now’s your chance for me to take you through everything you need to know about building muscle.  During the 4 weeks I’ll train you and show you all the correct techniques for optimal muscle hypertrophy and you’ll be training and doing them so you’ll instantly feel the difference.  I’ll take you through different training systems and how to periodise these systems to ensure long-term results. These techniques, training programmes, systems, periodisation and nutrition will enable you to take all this information away with you and apply it to your own training straight away and for ever more.   


What is the main driving force behind any muscle-building programme? How to you manipulate training volume for long-term success and staying injury free? What is “progressive overload” and why is it the key to your success? Does lifting light weights and focussing on contracting the muscle really define and build a body? How important is time under tension and how do you manipulate to force your body into adaptation? What role does getting stronger play in building a physique? Consistency is paramount in building muscle but how important is variability? All these questions are important and I’ll cover them all in what we go through.  Understand the process, know what to look for with progressive markers, be patient with it and enjoy the process. While I train you I’ll also be teaching you, helping you, sharing my knowledge with you.  Yes I might kick your ars while you’re in the gym but I’ll also teach you when you should go to failure, when you should finish the set with reps in the bank and loads more.    


What do you need to eat to build muscle? How many calories should you be on? What should the macronutrient split be? How important in nutrient timing for your goals and where you’re at? When does nutrient timing become key? How do you increase your calories without having to eat another meal? What is your current calorific intake and how should you cycle it for long-term success.   Nutrition is key to building muscle along with your training, I’ll cover everything you need to about nutrition through my PDF guide, excel calculations, set times to go through your nutrition and we’ll chat during your rests when you’re training.   I’ll answer all of your questions. I’ll not only give you the amount of calories you should be on to how to build muscle but I’ll give you a calorie calculator spread sheet so you can always work out what you should be having, no more guessing where you need to be.  All your protein, carbs and fats calculated and laid out across each meal.    

Complete years worth of training:

I’ll include in this 4 week LTT system a complete years worth of training, including sets, reps, tempo, rest and designed for long term muscle building success.  
One thing to point out is that I’ve got all my results naturally where others might use anabolic steroids.  The reason I say this is that if you chose to take anabolic steroids I can not advise anything on it as it’s something I’ve never done, nor plan to, and therefore don’t know about them and cant advise on them. 

It’s £375 and includes 8 sessions with me coaching and training you in everything we’ve covered above.  For your first session we do 30 mins on nutrition and 30 training.  The following 7 sessions are all training, unless you want to spend more time on nutrition which then we’ll incorporate some extra on that. This isn’t a 4 week transformation programme (far too short a time period), it’s to teach you how to train and eat for long term muscle growth.  You’ll train during this time and you’ll train hard but the end result is the knowledge you walk away with at the end of it. Stop wasting time doing the same old work out, or swinging your weights around.  Once you’ve done these 4 weeks you’ll then notice why most other people in your gym fail to get results and never really change.   Book now to take your training to the next level.
Once you've booked I'll email you to get you booked in and get teaching you how to buid that physiqe. 


This is £375.  Contact me to book. 

Our Results

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“These are the diets I had tried and failed with before I got from Code –

Atkins, the body coach, xls medical diet pills, Juice diet, Aloe clean 9 detox, Slim fast diet."

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"In October 2016 I weighed 148kg I’d put 25kg on in 5 years. I know that from my induction medical at my employers. I currently weigh around 116kg.  I’ve lost a little over 5 stone, which I’m proud of."



"The atmosphere is always upbeat and friendly. Never been to a gym before and enjoyed going because the people are so nice."

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